Posada El Cuadrante | village
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village Tag

05 Jun Carmona, Cantabria

This is one of the most emblematic and unspoilt of the villages of Cantabria, partly due to its remote position. It is a typical example of rural montañés architecture. Many of the houses are decorated with coats of arms and flower-bedecked balconies. The largest building in...

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05 May Cóbreces.Cantabria.Spain

Cóbreces is a small village close to the sea and between Novales and Comillas. It can be seen from a distance from the surrounding countryside, mainly due to two religious buildings; the Monastery of Santa María de Viaceli and the church of San Pedro Advíncula ...

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12 May Novales en Cantabria.

Novales is a small village near to Santillana, known in these parts for its lemon and orange groves. These trees are not really cultivated so far north in Spain and are normally seen down on the Mediterranean coastline.However, Novales seems to enjoy its won peculiar...

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05 Feb Mogrovejo.Cantabria.Spain

  One of the more picturesque villages in the Picos. The village lies at the feet of the 13th century tower of Pedro Ruiz de Mogrovejo and contains many 17th and 18th century noble houses with coats of arms.  ...

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